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We will pass around Dorrego Square, popular for its weekly antiques market. We continue our journey towards San Telmo, a neighborhood of bohemians, artists, antiques shops and cobbled streets. We will visit the traditional Cafe Tortoni, inaugurated in 1858, much frequented by intellectuals and artists. We continue our way down May Avenue which joins the Pink House with the Congress, with its Art Nouveau buildings, old hotels, theaters and cafes.

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There we will visit the spectacular mausoleum of General San Martin, Argentina's independence hero. We will also see the Cabildo, the colonial city-hall, and the Metropolitan Cathedral. Here we will admire the Pink House (Government House), which houses the mythical balcony from where Evita used to address the people.

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We arrive to the historical May Square, the place where Buenos Aires was founded. We begin our day's tour at the political center of the city.

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